Geniş Aile: Yapıştır
Geniş Aile: Yapıştır

Geniş Aile: Yapıştır (2015)

Original Title: “Geniş Aile: Yapıştır“

Upon the illness of Cevahir's grandmother Hafize; a treasure map passes by the hand of Cevahir who is trying to find enough money for the treatment. Bilal, the enemy of Cevahir, picks up the smell of the incident and takes half of the map and heads for Ayvalik. Cevahir and Ulvi fall together on Ayvalik road. They all find themselves in situations, events, and troubles that they have never expected in a journey of search for treasure and adventure.

Source: TMDb

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How to watch Geniş Aile: Yapıştır from the United Kingdom


Geniş Aile: Yapıştır is currently available on the following streaming services in the UK: Prime + Paramount+ and Paramount Plus.

You can buy or rent Geniş Aile: Yapıştır on the following streaming services in the UK: Rakuten, iTunes, Microsoft, Sky Store, Chili, Google Play and Amazon.

Geniş Aile: Yapıştır was released 9 years ago in 2015.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime + Paramount+ and Paramount Plus.
No, is not available on Amazon Prime Video in in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime + Paramount+ and Paramount Plus.


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