A Bit of Bad Luck

A Bit of Bad Luck (2014)

Original Title: “A Bit of Bad Luck“

Brooks Caldwell, (Cary Elwes) an erudite and handsome lawyer, seems to have it all: wealth, social status and a red hot career. His success is, in reality, a product of his marriage to his beautiful, socialite wife, Amanda, (Terri Polo) a wealthy timber heiress. Unlike most, who would remain content to enjoy a life of luxury and privilege, Brooks continues to risk everything by having extramarital affairs. Brooks' philandering, in addition to humiliating Amanda, has driven her to the point of a mental breakdown. Having been pushed over the edge, Amanda orchestrates a just and elaborate plan to bring her husband down. When Brooks leaves for a weekend romp with his latest squeeze, (Agnes Bruckner) his life quickly descends into a bizarre, nightmarish, downward spiral.

Source: TMDb

1 hour 26 minutes
Not Rated
5 wins
Original Language:
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How to watch A Bit of Bad Luck from the United Kingdom


Currently, you can only stream A Bit of Bad Luck on Prime Video in the UK.

Unfortunately, you cannot buy or rent A Bit of Bad Luck on any of the streaming services in the UK at the moment.

A Bit of Bad Luck was released 10 years ago in 2014.

No, is not available on Netflix in the United Kingdom. But is available on these providers in the United Kingdom: Prime Video.
Yes, is available on Amazon Prime Video in the United Kingdom.


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